迈克尔马西:F1的一个重要原则就是不能以事故产生的后果来决定处罚的轻重!!! ·F1赛车场f1Masi stressed that the stewards could not take account of the fact that Verstappen had retired and Hamilton had continued, and any po
·f1跑车场f1masi stressed that the stewards could not take account of the fact that verstappen had retired and hamilton had continued, and any potential impact on the title battle."i think one of the big parts that's been a mainstay for many, many years," he said. "and this came through discussions prior to my time between all of the teams, the fia and f1, and the team principals were all quite adamant, is that you should not consider the consequences in an incident."so when they judge an incident they judge the incident itself, and the merits of the incident, not what happens afterwards as a consequence. and that's been something that the stewards have done for many years."and have been advised to do from top down. and i'm talking team involvement, and so forth. so that's the way that the stewards judge it, because start taking consequences into account, there's so many variables, rather than judging the incident itself on its merits."马西夸大,赛事管事在商量处置轻重的功夫,绝不许商量事变爆发的感化。像此次事变,赛事管事只能以事变自己来商量处置的力度,不许由于汉密尔顿连接竞赛,维斯塔潘退赛大概在争冠进程中爆发感化而加大处置力度。这条规则仍旧举行了很多很多年,这个规则在马西代替查理怀挺的地位前由车队、国际汽联、f1共通计划确定,车队总指挥们都顽强扶助你不许商量一次事变所爆发的感化来确定处置力度。以是赛事管事只会商量事变自己,而不是商量事变所形成的感化,赛事管事这么做仍旧很多很有年了。
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